McFly Cartoons
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McFly Cartoons

Welcome to a place where McFly boys are cartoons and everything related to them can be cartoonized! Just to make people smile and laugh! (I hope)
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3 participantes

Mensajes : 89
Fecha de inscripción : 03/11/2009

MensajeTema: WEIRD DREAMS!!!   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptyDom Nov 08, 2009 12:37 am

I bet you all had a weird dream any time! So we all would love to read about it!!! Sometimes they are so weird they end up being funny! I'll tell you about one I had a time ago....

I had a really weird dream once, it was about me and McFly being friends (but not much, just a little bit...) and they were here in Spain in my hometown, also Gio and Frankie were there....and I was with them, and I don't know why I went to the street...I just said: see you later...
And when I walked out, there was a really big man, like a really big wardrobe, you know....and he was like: give me your shoes now!
And I was so scared....he was yelling at me, and then he took off a gun out his trousers, and he told me to give him my shoes! I was thinking: I don't know why he wants my shoes they're a fake converses.....hahaha
And he took the shoes and ran away. And I was crying like I don't he had stole my heart or something and in fact it was only an old shoes! After that, I wandered around my town and I found a police man, so I told him what happened to me....he took me to a secret building, and put me into a secret room...all was really weird. He was whispering all the time with other police people and I didn't know what was going on. I tried calling Tom, Danny, Dougie, Harry, Gio, and Frankie, but they all had their mobiles off....grrr it was so frustrating....and then a few later my mobile started was Tom, he was pretty hey, where are you?Are you ok?
And I said: yes, but I'm at the police!
And he: what? what happened?
So I told him the whole storie...and then I just remember we all went with the police to an apparment (supposely it was the thief's appartment) and it was plenty of shoes! Shoes everywhere! Even in the oven and in the fridge! Really strange dream....really....hahaha

Now is your turn, any weird dream??? It's not necessary it's realted to McFly Smile
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Irene Jo

MensajeTema: a weird one   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptyDom Nov 08, 2009 1:07 am

Last night I had a very weird one!
I was in a dark room, I think it was in the USA at least it was like the typical north american houses... I was there with Booth (Bones) the black woman from Bones and with Richard Gere... xDDD we were playing to the game ''Jungle Speed'' (im obsessed with that game... seriously is CRAZY xD) and the two person who win had to kiss... finally I won and Richard too T_T I wanted to die XD Finally nothing happended because my clock rang *-* If my clock werent woke up me... seriously UGHH x_X Im too young for this man puaj puaj
I've had a lot of weird dreams... xD so probably Ill post later some ones more
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marvinna jones

marvinna jones

Mensajes : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 05/11/2009

MensajeTema: Re: WEIRD DREAMS!!!   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptyLun Nov 09, 2009 6:45 pm

I dreamt something nice but weird.
Lets see, I really love Taylor Lautner, and that's the reason why it is nice... the weird part comes out when I start to tell it.

Well, I was with some friends (dunno remember their faces) at the beach. someone told me 'SEE! There goes Taylor Launter!' and I couldn't believe it, so I said 'OK, I'm gona flirt (?) with him'. I started talking to him, but he didn't answer, so i thought 'what a stupid boy' and I went with my friends again.
Then I was in an empty house, and there only were a bed... Yeah... And I think I was lesbian or something 'coz I was living there with a girl, who slept in the same bed as I did.
And finally I was at the beach again, and I was ringing TL to his mobile phone and he answered and said 'Hello my love, how are you? I'm planning to get married with a beatle' and I was like "omfg", but I said happily 'I'll introduce it to you!!!'

What do ya think? May i go to the psychologist?
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Mensajes : 89
Fecha de inscripción : 03/11/2009

MensajeTema: Re: WEIRD DREAMS!!!   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptyLun Nov 09, 2009 7:21 pm

Irene, I totally LOVE your dream!! It's sooooo weird! And it includes Jungle Speed! hahaha I love that game becouse I played it while waiting for McFly concert to start in Madrid hahahaha

And the one of Marvinna Jones is really good too! Too weird in my opinion! hahaha it's like: WTF!??!

Ok people, keep those weird dreams coming!! =)
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Mensajes : 6
Fecha de inscripción : 09/11/2009

MensajeTema: Re: WEIRD DREAMS!!!   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptySáb Nov 14, 2009 7:41 pm

this was the very first time I dream about some celebrity and it was mcfly! but it wasn't really funny..
I was in a house in the UK when i heard someone crying,It was Gio.. she was crying because she and Tom broke up, so i was trying to cheer her up, I don't remember what happened next but then i was talking to Tom, he was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally mad at me and said that it was my fault Neutral, I was like WTF? i didn't do anything! suddenly for a mysterious reason i appeared next to Danny,Dougie and Harry, they were mad at me too... everyone were screaming and gio was crying Sad after that i was at my bedroom calling gio and tom trying to get them together again...
That was my dream :S what do you think?
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Mensajes : 89
Fecha de inscripción : 03/11/2009

MensajeTema: Re: WEIRD DREAMS!!!   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptyDom Nov 15, 2009 3:36 am

Your dream is really weird and traumatic!! I agree, it's not funny at all! haha Oh my god, why was your fault?! Imagine you get to know McFly and they all end up mad at you....wicked!
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marvinna jones

marvinna jones

Mensajes : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 05/11/2009

MensajeTema: Re: WEIRD DREAMS!!!   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptyDom Nov 15, 2009 3:37 am


Today I was eating.

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Mensajes : 89
Fecha de inscripción : 03/11/2009

MensajeTema: Re: WEIRD DREAMS!!!   WEIRD DREAMS!!! EmptyMar Nov 24, 2009 2:04 am

I had a weird dream yesterday! It was really REALLY weird! I was in my house, and McFly was coming to Spain to do a gig....IN MY HOUSE! hahaha the thing is I couldn't get into the room they were playing (I don't know why, but I was not allowed hahaha) Anyway, they were playing in MY home and I was not allowed to see it! How rude is that!? Me lending them my home and people telling me I'm not allowed to see them, in my OWN house! hahaha Anyway, finally I got to enter the room, and most of the people there were leaving the room. They were abandoning the gig, and only a few ones stayed. People was jumping around and taking pictures...I was about to take some pictures too, but people took my arm away and they didn't let me take any picture! Rude people again ¬¬ hahaha And after the gig, I stayed there, other fans did. The weird thing is Jessica Alba was one of those fans xDDDDDDDD that's so weird, don't you think? And the boys started talking to us, and Jessica Alba was flirting like hell with Danny, and there were other actresses but I can't remember who they were. And they all were bating their eyelashes to Danny, and flirting like mad! But I wasn't! hahaha I was there with them but I wasn't flirting or anything, I was like: good, zillions of actresses flirting with Danny and the others, now it would be impossible for to talk to them xDDDDDDDDD But, I don't know how it happened but I ended with McFly going to some fields xD We rented a house on a hill or something like that xD And we went shopping to have food for the weekend. Danny was hiding himself all the time behind the food-shelves xDDDDDD it was actually creepy xDDDDDDDDD hahaha And after that, I was climbing a mountain with Dougie, and then he started throwing ground to the people working on the fields, and to their cars and everything, and the cars got crazy and they moved alone because of the ground Dougie threw at them! haha It was reeeeeeeeeally weird. More things happened but I can't actually remember very well xD
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